Friday, July 20, 2007


That's right, the thing you see on top here is X-BOY. Now, X-BOX might be the cool console everyone seems to want, but nothing beats X-BOY in price.
X-BOY comes with the old-school favorites like Road fighter, B-Wings and Baseball. And action games like Tanks and Galaxian.

Don't mistake X-BOY as a cheap chinese imitation of video game console. It is not a video game system at all! It is a revolutionary new VIDED GAME SYSTEM.
Go play!

पांडे जी

पांडे जी is the WWF souvenir I received for my membership. It currently adorns my office desk.
पांडे जी के कुछ snaps.

पांडे जी

रामा getting पांडे जी some water.

रामा petting पांडे जी

लोग पांडे जी को नही, दुनिया छोड़ते हैं.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Updated my home page

My home page.

Who knew I had one? wow.
Something I had written in a past life. Came across it when I was cleaning up my bookmarks.

I know you couldn't care less, but here's something about me.